20 September, 2007

Air Pollution from China

One of my grad-students asked me about how Taiwan look at the problem of the air pollution from China.

I can't answer it.

Why? Because of the news I've been reading from Taiwan's news source never talked about this part. All they are reporting was the fight between KMT and DPP, they talk about how scary the society became, they talk about inside Taiwan. China? It is just a huge country right next to us and try to take over Taiwan. Pollution? Who cares, we are not dieing yet, everything is just all right.

Because of this attitude, we have a president like him. Because of this attitude, we put ourseves into danger of being the outseider of the global community. Because of this attitude, we are loosing our spot in the world.

What does Taiwan think about air pollution from China? We just suck it up.

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