28 May, 2009

Hungry for Change? Our 10 Tips, Give Us Yours! | TakePart Social Action Networkâ„¢

Hungry for Change? Our 10 Tips, Give Us Yours! | TakePart Social Action Networkâ„¢

Here are our 10 tips for eating a healthier and more sustainable diet. Help us grow this list by adding your tip below!

Hungry for Change?

10 Tips inspired by Food, Inc

1. Buy organic or sustainable food.

2. Go without meat one day a week.

3. READ LABELS- know where your food comes from and what’s in it.

4. Drink more water, fewer sugary beverages.

5. Encourage your school board to serve healthy food.

6. Protect family farms; visit local farmer’s markets

7. Tell your Congressperson that food safety is important to you

8. Buy from companies that treat workers, animals, and the environment with respect

9. Support laws that protect farm workers and food processors

10. Give us your tip in the comment section below!

08 May, 2009

Chanel N°5

Maybe this is why I just got sucked into the fragrance of N°5. ;)

Palying 4 Change